Our People

SurrogacyUK was formed in 2002, by a group of surrogates who believed that a successful journey for both surrogates and intended parent(s) was one based on trust, mutual respect and, above all, friendship
Alan White

Alan White
Non-Executive Director & Chair

Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones
Chief Executive

David Pexton-Hayes

David Pexton

Head of Counselling and Wellbeing

Emma Fitzsimmons
Non-Executive Director

Rena Miras-Pye

Rena Miras-Pye 
Support Liaison &
Safeguarding Specialist

Rich Atkinson-Toal
Non-Executive Director

Josh Moreton
Non-Executive Director

John Lord
Non-Executive Director

Our Board

SurrogacyUK is governed by a Board of Directors which includes Executive Directors (paid members of our management team) and Non-Executive Directors (NED – volunteers). We maintain a balance of surrogates/KEDs and intended parents on our board and co-opt non-members to provide externality and to support good governance.

Journey Management Team

Our Journey Management Team provides practical support and guidance to intended parents, surrogates, and teams, ensuring no one has to navigate their surrogacy journey alone. They are the first point of contact for members, overseeing team formation, agreements, and offering hands-on help throughout the process.

With personal experience as surrogates, known egg donors or parents through surrogacy, the team brings empathy and informed advice to every journey. Their goal is to ensure members feel supported, empowered, and fully informed to pursue their surrogacy journey safely and ethically.

Dawn Allen


Journey Management Coordinator

Charlotte Mace


Journey Management Coordinator

Jemma Black

Surrogate Mentor

Sue Fisher

Surrogate Mentor

David Pexton-Hayes

Head of Counselling & Wellbeing 

MBACP Registered Member 394879

Ally Whitcombe

Support Liaison

Support Liaison

Rena Miras-Pye

Support Liaison

Support Team

Our Support Team provides emotional support to all our members throughout their surrogacy journey. Led by our in house counsellor, the team is made up of individuals with personal experience as surrogates, known egg donors and parents through surrogacy.

Whether it’s offering a listening ear, guidance through challenges, or simply being there to talk, the Support Team is committed to helping members feel supported and emotionally equipped for their journey.

Operations Team

Our Operations Team manages our events and media, ensuring everything runs smoothly and professionally. The team is made up of individuals with personal experience as surrogates, partners of surrogates, known egg donors, and parents through surrogacy.

Their first hand insight drives the organisation of meaningful events and ensures our media presence reflects the values and mission of our community. Dedicated to creating impactful experiences and clear communication, the Operations Team plays a vital role in supporting our members.  

Alex Pye

Media & PR Officer

Nic Richards

Special Events Coordinator

Vicky Sutton

Community Events Coordinator

Amy Banner

Administrative Officer

Rachel Pegg

Administrative Officer

Keely Saunders

Applications Coordinator

Applications Coordinator

Applications Team

Our Application Team is dedicated to guiding applicants through an informative and supportive process to becoming members. From the initial application to membership approval, they ensure the journey is clear, helpful, and tailored to each individual.

The team brings empathy and understanding to every step, ensuring applicants feel informed and confident as they take their first steps into our community.